now playing :
SUP BITCHESSSS!!!!!! i'm slowly accomplishing my dream of being a superhot goth rave chick by attending more n more concerts!! music isnt as integral to my sense of self as movies are, but who am i to turn down a metal show? WJHWKJWHKWJHJ soooooo yeah!!! logging all my concert and show experiences here like a music version of letterboxd :333

06 / 17 / 2023
the cure!!!!!!! i went to go see the cure!!! i went to see the cure with my girlfriend and it was the best thing ever ever ever!!!! the toronto show was sold out and my gf was super bummed about not being able to go and if we're being honest i didnt care much for the cure at this point. but the concert date drew nearer and my life was in shambles so i was dead-set on going WKJWHKJWHJW i found that they put an extra tour date a day or two after the toronto show in montreal and set my sights on making it to the show. the trip was an absolute mess and pretty last minute but it was a memorable experience nonetheless!! the hotel we were staying at didnt let us check in until 3 and the shows doors opened at 6 and the venue was roughly an hour away (with traffic) so as soon as we stepped foot in the room we threw our shit aside and scrambled to get ready WKHWKWHKJWHKWJ

me and my gf have done corpse paint and juggalo paint before but this was our first time doing tradgoth together!!! it was superduper fun and even tho ive done tradgoth makeup prior to the show, it was double fun having someone else there in the room also caked in white. i could not for the life of me figure out how to glue my eyebrows down so i just. Didnt. WKJHWKJWHK my gf had zero problem tho (lucky bitch) while we were doing our makeup, i thought it would be fitting to listen to the cure so i put on the cures greatest hits. not even three seconds into "boys dont cry" and my girlfriend starts BAWLING like hiccup sobbing WJKWHKJWHWJKHW at this point we only had a few minutes before we had to be out the door so they went- tear streaked makeup and all WKJHWKWJHWKJ dint make em any less cute tho !! ♥

so!!!! on our way to the show!! we're in montreal right? and neither me or my girlfriend speak a lick of french. so we call a cab and ask to go to the bell center. he has no clue wtf we're saying. me n my gf start kinda panicking and im like "the center bell!!" yknow- backwards like most things are in french. and he's like ahhh yeah yeah!! downtown! and we take off. WKHWKJWHKJWHKJW volutpat luctus interdum. Vestibulum semper neque arcu, ac blandit mauris rutrum quis. Integer non lacus quis velit dignissim aliquet et ut dui. Vestibulum sed lectus non diam imperdiet vulputate sit amet vel nunc. Aenean tincidunt massa in dapibus aliquet. Maecenas tempus efficitur nisi. Praesent ac vestibulum mauris. Praesent iaculis turpis a dui tempus, vitae fermentum metus aliquam. Cras dapibus enim bibendum urna posuere, fringilla molestie nisi tempus. Aliquam consequat, justo et varius blandit, purus libero sagittis diam, molestie varius eros justo nec ipsum.

Sed sit amet gravida nisl. Aliquam egestas nibh eu volutpat iaculis. Suspendisse sed urna ac purus lobortis ultrices vel quis turpis. Maecenas tempus pretium iaculis. In aliquam congue risus nec feugiat. Praesent lacus odio, feugiat vitae dui a, ultricies fringilla ex. Suspendisse eu ex erat. Nam pretium diam in ex euismod, quis gravida augue gravida. Aenean vel porta dui. Suspendisse vitae suscipit nisl. Nullam fringilla libero et nunc pulvinar pharetra. Phasellus semper augue ac lectus aliquam, id venenatis dui tristique. Sed sollicitudin est orci, ut pellentesque purus tincidunt eget. Fusce sodales, mi non tincidunt malesuada, urna sapien auctor mauris, vel porttitor sapien odio quis dui. Sed est nisl, feugiat fermentum justo at, ultrices condimentum magna. Ut pellentesque tincidunt justo, non accumsan tellus ornare ac.

Proin rutrum sollicitudin diam a imperdiet. Vestibulum ultrices varius placerat. Aenean rhoncus pellentesque arcu, et egestas mi condimentum nec. Praesent eget augue auctor, malesuada lorem eget, pellentesque risus. Phasellus et mi at ligula convallis efficitur. Sed elementum feugiat tellus nec egestas. Suspendisse imperdiet rhoncus metus, sed tincidunt mi suscipit a. Proin sit amet pellentesque metus, at sodales elit. Praesent facilisis turpis a vestibulum pulvinar. Aenean vel orci eu orci sollicitudin gravida eget a turpis. Nam tempus erat neque, sit amet ultrices nisl pretium a. Suspendisse turpis odio, maximus vel felis ac, porta viverra arcu. Praesent pulvinar tortor id nisl ultrices sodales. Pellentesque tincidunt ipsum a ullamcorper pharetra. Nullam eget augue tellus.

07 / 08 / 2023
another total spur of the moment concert WKWHKJWHKJWHWK i was hanging outside of school with my friend for the first time and we fucked around for the whole day and generally jst had a blast!! i was originally going to go to the concert with a different friend but she wasnt picking up her phone (her ass was SLEEP!! can you BELIEVE!!!!) WKJHWKJWJKW annnnyways i resided in a shithole nowhere town at the time so fun things like metal concerts were rare to come by. so i wasnt gonna pass this up. i also didnt want to go alone bc..... yeah its just not a nice place to be in esp if yr alone and vulnerable WKJHWKWHJK so i asked if my friend (whomst i shall now refer to as D) if they wanted to go. they were down, so about half an hour before the doors opened i bought tickets (which was a whole mess in and of itself- my card wasnt working and there was a little timer on the checkout screen so in a moment of panic i just put it on my dads credit card which he gave me for emergencies WKJWHKJWHWKJHK) annnnnyways!!! the fun bit was D's house was a quick walk to the venue and GODDDDD we were so pumped!!! once we got in line tho i started freaking out bc they were asking people for ids and i dont have mine (another long story) WHWKJWHKJW but everything worked out fine and was totally awesomesauce!!!

it was my first metal show and D's first concert in general so it was technically a new experience for both of us!!! it was such a killer time tho!! everyone was super nice and friendly and had really cool band merch and there was this one guy- absolute brick wall of a man- whom we both thought was really cute WJHWKJWHKJWHJK our first pit experience was off the WALLS fun!!!! genuinely it was one of the most addicting things ive ever experienced and id kill to relive it again WKJHWKJWHKJ being thrown around like a human pinball is so freeing and soothing to my soul omg. i wore my brand new chucks to the show and by the end of it they were covered in footprints and dirt and i ADORED IT!!! i bruised for the first time!!!! ive always been sort of a sheltered kid and i was never allowed to do anything- much less roughouse (didnt stop me tho lmao) so this was big for me!!

the bands were fucking AMAZERBEAMS!!!!!!!!!!! ive never heard of any of them prior to the show but i was immediately OBSESSED!!! i fucking LOVE death metal!!! every song absolutely banged!! when escuela grind came on- the WAYYYYY me and D lost our minds WKJHWKJWHKJW oneeeee the bassist was so cute omg and two the lead singer was phenomenal!!! she was so hype and did a great job!! and around the last/second last song, she took a break to say that se was dedicating the song to the people in the community that need it the most- the outcasts! the misfits! the minorities! women, trans folk, gays, queers, poc- everyone who didnt fit in the cookie cutter stereotype of a metalhead. me n D went fully ballistic at this- screaming our heads off and moshing like men possessed WKHWKWHWKHW

the actual headliners (acacia strain & fit for an autopsy) were mindblowingly good!!! the energy in the room was like static electricity- just pure adrenaline and hype WJHWKJWHWKHWK the vocalist threw his water bottle into the crowd and D caught it mid air and now we have a little souvenir of our little escapade!! :3

after the show when me n D were heading out, we were walking past the merch booths when we saw some people packing up. i nudged D like "hey isnt that the singer for that one band" and they were like yeah!! and approached the table (since theyre a lot ballsier than i am) WKJWHKWJHWKJ but yeah!! we got to talk to the lead singer and she was such a sweetheart!! we told her how much her message meant to us and stuff and it was just fucking great ♥ there was a marker on the table and i asked her if it worked. when she said yeah, i asked her if she could sign me and!!!! she did!!!! WJKHWKJWHWJKHWJKWWK fucking magical experience 100000000000 / 10

08 / 06 / 2023
its about two months into my life turning into the worlds stinkiest shitstorm and im just now realizing i dont know when im gonna see my friends again. so what luck! theres a punk fest going on nearby specifically entitled "NEW FRIENDS FEST" !! exactly what i need!! new friends!! WJKHWJWKHWKJHWJK

this was the first punk/metal show my dad had ever been to, so i was a bit apprehensive about bringing him along- but it turned out to be fine!! it took place in a banquet hall, and id never been inside one before so this was sort of a first for me too! there were two halls and the bands would alternate between being in each of the halls, but they didnt overlap so there was no fear of missing a show!! i thought that was super cool :D

my dad is a lot more outgoing than i am, so he was out socializing and talking to people despite the fact that he is in NOOOOO way shape or form a part of the scene WKJWHKJWHWKJ there were merch booths and other sorts of seller tables and he was just chatting everyone up while i trailed along behind him like some sort of spectre or ghoul WKJWHKJWHWJ there was one booth selling cassette tapes and i had just recently gotten a cassette player so my dad suggested i buy a tape or two. i asked if they had any death metal and the guy hands me a tape and says its techno-death?? or something?? WJWHKWHWKJH i couldnt hear bc it was loud asf in there but yeah!! then i went to go look for my dad and he was two booths over buying me another tape and a tshirt WJKWHJKWHWK i also got a vinyl out of it!! so yeah!! shoutout to him for pushing me out of my comfort zone and also introducing me to new music!! ♥

actual band review time!!! AMAZERBEAMS!! FANTASTIC!! SUBLIME!!! the first band we saw was Record Setter and they were fucking great!! me n my dad both agreed that out of all the bands we saw that day, they were Aenean vel porta dui. Suspendisse vitae suscipit nisl. Nullam fringilla libero et nunc pulvinar pharetra. Phasellus semper augue ac lectus aliquam, id venenatis dui tristique. Sed sollicitudin est orci, ut pellentesque purus tincidunt eget. Fusce sodales, mi non tincidunt malesuada, urna sapien auctor mauris, vel porttitor sapien odio quis dui. Sed est nisl, feugiat fermentum justo at, ultrices condimentum magna. Ut pellentesque tincidunt justo, non accumsan tellus ornare ac.

Proin rutrum sollicitudin diam a imperdiet. Vestibulum ultrices varius placerat. Aenean rhoncus pellentesque arcu, et egestas mi condimentum nec. Praesent eget augue auctor, malesuada lorem eget, pellentesque risus. Phasellus et mi at ligula convallis efficitur. Sed elementum feugiat tellus nec egestas. Suspendisse imperdiet rhoncus metus, sed tincidunt mi suscipit a. Proin sit amet pellentesque metus, at sodales elit. Praesent facilisis turpis a vestibulum pulvinar. Aenean vel orci eu orci sollicitudin gravida eget a turpis. Nam tempus erat neque, sit amet ultrices nisl pretium a. Suspendisse turpis odio, maximus vel felis ac, porta viverra arcu. Praesent pulvinar tortor id nisl ultrices sodales. Pellentesque tincidunt ipsum a ullamcorper pharetra. Nullam eget augue tellus.

09 / 06 / 2023
its about two months into my life turning into the worlds stinkiest shitstorm and im just now realizing i dont know when im gonna see my friends again. so what luck! theres a punk fest going on nearby specifically entitled "NEW FRIENDS FEST" !! exactly what i need!! new friends!! WJKHWJWKHWKJHWJK

this was the first punk/metal show my dad had ever been to, so i was a bit apprehensive about bringing him along- but it turned out to be fine!! it took place in a banquet hall, and id never been inside one before so this was sort of a first for me too! there were two halls and the bands would alternate between being in each of the halls, but they didnt overlap so there was no fear of missing a show!! i thought that was super cool :D

my dad is a lot more outgoing than i am, so he was out socializing and talking to people despite the fact that he is in NOOOOO way shape or form a part of the scene WKJWHKJWHWKJ there were merch booths and other sorts of seller tables and he was just chatting everyone up while i trailed along behind him like some sort of spectre or ghoul WKJWHKJWHWJ there was one booth selling cassette tapes and i had just recently gotten a cassette player so my dad suggested i buy a tape or two. i asked if they had any death metal and the guy hands me a tape and says its techno-death?? or something?? WJWHKWHWKJH i couldnt hear bc it was loud asf in there but yeah!! then i went to go look for my dad and he was two booths over buying me another tape and a tshirt WJKWHJKWHWK i also got a vinyl out of it!! so yeah!! shoutout to him for pushing me out of my comfort zone and also introducing me to new music!! &9829;

actual band review time!!! AMAZERBEAMS!! FANTASTIC!! SUBLIME!!! the first band we saw was Record Setter and they were fucking great!! me n my dad both agreed that out of all the bands we saw that day, they were Aenean vel porta dui. Suspendisse vitae suscipit nisl. Nullam fringilla libero et nunc pulvinar pharetra. Phasellus semper augue ac lectus aliquam, id venenatis dui tristique. Sed sollicitudin est orci, ut pellentesque purus tincidunt eget. Fusce sodales, mi non tincidunt malesuada, urna sapien auctor mauris, vel porttitor sapien odio quis dui. Sed est nisl, feugiat fermentum justo at, ultrices condimentum magna. Ut pellentesque tincidunt justo, non accumsan tellus ornare ac.

Proin rutrum sollicitudin diam a imperdiet. Vestibulum ultrices varius placerat. Aenean rhoncus pellentesque arcu, et egestas mi condimentum nec. Praesent eget augue auctor, malesuada lorem eget, pellentesque risus. Phasellus et mi at ligula convallis efficitur. Sed elementum feugiat tellus nec egestas. Suspendisse imperdiet rhoncus metus, sed tincidunt mi suscipit a. Proin sit amet pellentesque metus, at sodales elit. Praesent facilisis turpis a vestibulum pulvinar. Aenean vel orci eu orci sollicitudin gravida eget a turpis. Nam tempus erat neque, sit amet ultrices nisl pretium a. Suspendisse turpis odio, maximus vel felis ac, porta viverra arcu. Praesent pulvinar tortor id nisl ultrices sodales. Pellentesque tincidunt ipsum a ullamcorper pharetra. Nullam eget augue tellus.

09 / 18 / 2023
its about two months into my life turning into the worlds stinkiest shitstorm and im just now realizing i dont know when im gonna see my friends again. so what luck! theres a punk fest going on nearby specifically entitled "NEW FRIENDS FEST" !! exactly what i need!! new friends!! WJKHWJWKHWKJHWJK

this was the first punk/metal show my dad had ever been to, so i was a bit apprehensive about bringing him along- but it turned out to be fine!! it took place in a banquet hall, and id never been inside one before so this was sort of a first for me too! there were two halls and the bands would alternate between being in each of the halls, but they didnt overlap so there was no fear of missing a show!! i thought that was super cool :D

my dad is a lot more outgoing than i am, so he was out socializing and talking to people despite the fact that he is in NOOOOO way shape or form a part of the scene WKJWHKJWHWKJ there were merch booths and other sorts of seller tables and he was just chatting everyone up while i trailed along behind him like some sort of spectre or ghoul WKJWHKJWHWJ there was one booth selling cassette tapes and i had just recently gotten a cassette player so my dad suggested i buy a tape or two. i asked if they had any death metal and the guy hands me a tape and says its techno-death?? or something?? WJWHKWHWKJH i couldnt hear bc it was loud asf in there but yeah!! then i went to go look for my dad and he was two booths over buying me another tape and a tshirt WJKWHJKWHWK i also got a vinyl out of it!! so yeah!! shoutout to him for pushing me out of my comfort zone and also introducing me to new music!! &9829;

actual band review time!!! AMAZERBEAMS!! FANTASTIC!! SUBLIME!!! the first band we saw was Record Setter and they were fucking great!! me n my dad both agreed that out of all the bands we saw that day, they were Aenean vel porta dui. Suspendisse vitae suscipit nisl. Nullam fringilla libero et nunc pulvinar pharetra. Phasellus semper augue ac lectus aliquam, id venenatis dui tristique. Sed sollicitudin est orci, ut pellentesque purus tincidunt eget. Fusce sodales, mi non tincidunt malesuada, urna sapien auctor mauris, vel porttitor sapien odio quis dui. Sed est nisl, feugiat fermentum justo at, ultrices condimentum magna. Ut pellentesque tincidunt justo, non accumsan tellus ornare ac.

Proin rutrum sollicitudin diam a imperdiet. Vestibulum ultrices varius placerat. Aenean rhoncus pellentesque arcu, et egestas mi condimentum nec. Praesent eget augue auctor, malesuada lorem eget, pellentesque risus. Phasellus et mi at ligula convallis efficitur. Sed elementum feugiat tellus nec egestas. Suspendisse imperdiet rhoncus metus, sed tincidunt mi suscipit a. Proin sit amet pellentesque metus, at sodales elit. Praesent facilisis turpis a vestibulum pulvinar. Aenean vel orci eu orci sollicitudin gravida eget a turpis. Nam tempus erat neque, sit amet ultrices nisl pretium a. Suspendisse turpis odio, maximus vel felis ac, porta viverra arcu. Praesent pulvinar tortor id nisl ultrices sodales. Pellentesque tincidunt ipsum a ullamcorper pharetra. Nullam eget augue tellus.

11 / 25 / 2023
my first black metal show !!!!!!!! the festival thingys name is french so you can guess where we had to haul ass to :skull:

it was both mine and my dad's first black metal show so we were both apprehensive as to what it would be like- i knew beforehand that black metal is one of the more.,,, intense subgenres , and i sorta kinda told him that too?? but he didn't really grasp the concept til we got there WKJHWKJWHKWJ after the show he said that he noticed the crowd was significantly different than the ones we've been in before- and not in a good way LMAOOOOOO

i was up front at the barrier the majority of the show and there was this guy who was also up there.,,. bragging about how racist he was?? KWJWHWKJWHK BUT IT WASNT ALL BAD!!! i went tradgoth with my makeup again instead of corpse paint because i find it more fun and i got a lot of compliments!! there was this lady who came up to me and complimented my whole get up- the makeup, the hair, the outift; everything!! she said, and i quote, that i "knocked it out of the park" WKJWHWKJW so yeah!! that was super nice!!

OUGH!! ALSO!! there was this guyyyyyy *insert girly giggling* WKHWKWHKJWHK he was like. reallyyyyyyyy cute. like SUPER cute WJWGJWHG annnyways we kept meeting eyes throughout the show n he was always somewhere near me and his corpse paint was supercute and i told him that and he thanked me WAHOO!!!!!!

ANYWAYS BACK TO THE ACTUAL MUSIC!!! WKJWHKWJHWJ i didn't know some of the bands and one of them i *knew* but i didn't realize i knew them until i recognised the album art in the background WWHKJWGWKJGWKJW but yeah!!! gorgon was great!! THE NEXT BAND AFTER THEM THO?? SVARTTJERN???? AWOOOOOOOOGA HUMMINA HUMMINA !! THE GUITARIST WAS SOOOOOOO FINE ZOO WEE MAMA!!!! urna sapien auctor mauris, vel porttitor sapien odio quis dui. Sed est nisl, feugiat fermentum justo at, ultrices condimentum magna. Ut pellentesque tincidunt justo, non accumsan tellus ornare ac.

Proin rutrum sollicitudin diam a imperdiet. Vestibulum ultrices varius placerat. Aenean rhoncus pellentesque arcu, et egestas mi condimentum nec. Praesent eget augue auctor, malesuada lorem eget, pellentesque risus. Phasellus et mi at ligula convallis efficitur. Sed elementum feugiat tellus nec egestas. Suspendisse imperdiet rhoncus metus, sed tincidunt mi suscipit a. Proin sit amet pellentesque metus, at sodales elit. Praesent facilisis turpis a vestibulum pulvinar. Aenean vel orci eu orci sollicitudin gravida eget a turpis. Nam tempus erat neque, sit amet ultrices nisl pretium a. Suspendisse turpis odio, maximus vel felis ac, porta viverra arcu. Praesent pulvinar tortor id nisl ultrices sodales. Pellentesque tincidunt ipsum a ullamcorper pharetra. Nullam eget augue tellus.

12 / 03 / 2023
its about two months into my life turning into the worlds stinkiest shitstorm and im just now realizing i dont know when im gonna see my friends again. so what luck! theres a punk fest going on nearby specifically entitled "NEW FRIENDS FEST" !! exactly what i need!! new friends!! WJKHWJWKHWKJHWJK

this was the first punk/metal show my dad had ever been to, so i was a bit apprehensive about bringing him along- but it turned out to be fine!! it took place in a banquet hall, and id never been inside one before so this was sort of a first for me too! there were two halls and the bands would alternate between being in each of the halls, but they didnt overlap so there was no fear of missing a show!! i thought that was super cool :D

my dad is a lot more outgoing than i am, so he was out socializing and talking to people despite the fact that he is in NOOOOO way shape or form a part of the scene WKJWHKJWHWKJ there were merch booths and other sorts of seller tables and he was just chatting everyone up while i trailed along behind him like some sort of spectre or ghoul WKJWHKJWHWJ there was one booth selling cassette tapes and i had just recently gotten a cassette player so my dad suggested i buy a tape or two. i asked if they had any death metal and the guy hands me a tape and says its techno-death?? or something?? WJWHKWHWKJH i couldnt hear bc it was loud asf in there but yeah!! then i went to go look for my dad and he was two booths over buying me another tape and a tshirt WJKWHJKWHWK i also got a vinyl out of it!! so yeah!! shoutout to him for pushing me out of my comfort zone and also introducing me to new music!! &9829;

actual band review time!!! AMAZERBEAMS!! FANTASTIC!! SUBLIME!!! the first band we saw was Record Setter and they were fucking great!! me n my dad both agreed that out of all the bands we saw that day, they were Aenean vel porta dui. Suspendisse vitae suscipit nisl. Nullam fringilla libero et nunc pulvinar pharetra. Phasellus semper augue ac lectus aliquam, id venenatis dui tristique. Sed sollicitudin est orci, ut pellentesque purus tincidunt eget. Fusce sodales, mi non tincidunt malesuada, urna sapien auctor mauris, vel porttitor sapien odio quis dui. Sed est nisl, feugiat fermentum justo at, ultrices condimentum magna. Ut pellentesque tincidunt justo, non accumsan tellus ornare ac.

Proin rutrum sollicitudin diam a imperdiet. Vestibulum ultrices varius placerat. Aenean rhoncus pellentesque arcu, et egestas mi condimentum nec. Praesent eget augue auctor, malesuada lorem eget, pellentesque risus. Phasellus et mi at ligula convallis efficitur. Sed elementum feugiat tellus nec egestas. Suspendisse imperdiet rhoncus metus, sed tincidunt mi suscipit a. Proin sit amet pellentesque metus, at sodales elit. Praesent facilisis turpis a vestibulum pulvinar. Aenean vel orci eu orci sollicitudin gravida eget a turpis. Nam tempus erat neque, sit amet ultrices nisl pretium a. Suspendisse turpis odio, maximus vel felis ac, porta viverra arcu. Praesent pulvinar tortor id nisl ultrices sodales. Pellentesque tincidunt ipsum a ullamcorper pharetra. Nullam eget augue tellus.

12 / 10 / 2023
its about two months into my life turning into the worlds stinkiest shitstorm and im just now realizing i dont know when im gonna see my friends again. so what luck! theres a punk fest going on nearby specifically entitled "NEW FRIENDS FEST" !! exactly what i need!! new friends!! WJKHWJWKHWKJHWJK

this was the first punk/metal show my dad had ever been to, so i was a bit apprehensive about bringing him along- but it turned out to be fine!! it took place in a banquet hall, and id never been inside one before so this was sort of a first for me too! there were two halls and the bands would alternate between being in each of the halls, but they didnt overlap so there was no fear of missing a show!! i thought that was super cool :D

my dad is a lot more outgoing than i am, so he was out socializing and talking to people despite the fact that he is in NOOOOO way shape or form a part of the scene WKJWHKJWHWKJ there were merch booths and other sorts of seller tables and he was just chatting everyone up while i trailed along behind him like some sort of spectre or ghoul WKJWHKJWHWJ there was one booth selling cassette tapes and i had just recently gotten a cassette player so my dad suggested i buy a tape or two. i asked if they had any death metal and the guy hands me a tape and says its techno-death?? or something?? WJWHKWHWKJH i couldnt hear bc it was loud asf in there but yeah!! then i went to go look for my dad and he was two booths over buying me another tape and a tshirt WJKWHJKWHWK i also got a vinyl out of it!! so yeah!! shoutout to him for pushing me out of my comfort zone and also introducing me to new music!! &9829;

actual band review time!!! AMAZERBEAMS!! FANTASTIC!! SUBLIME!!! the first band we saw was Record Setter and they were fucking great!! me n my dad both agreed that out of all the bands we saw that day, they were Aenean vel porta dui. Suspendisse vitae suscipit nisl. Nullam fringilla libero et nunc pulvinar pharetra. Phasellus semper augue ac lectus aliquam, id venenatis dui tristique. Sed sollicitudin est orci, ut pellentesque purus tincidunt eget. Fusce sodales, mi non tincidunt malesuada, urna sapien auctor mauris, vel porttitor sapien odio quis dui. Sed est nisl, feugiat fermentum justo at, ultrices condimentum magna. Ut pellentesque tincidunt justo, non accumsan tellus ornare ac.

Proin rutrum sollicitudin diam a imperdiet. Vestibulum ultrices varius placerat. Aenean rhoncus pellentesque arcu, et egestas mi condimentum nec. Praesent eget augue auctor, malesuada lorem eget, pellentesque risus. Phasellus et mi at ligula convallis efficitur. Sed elementum feugiat tellus nec egestas. Suspendisse imperdiet rhoncus metus, sed tincidunt mi suscipit a. Proin sit amet pellentesque metus, at sodales elit. Praesent facilisis turpis a vestibulum pulvinar. Aenean vel orci eu orci sollicitudin gravida eget a turpis. Nam tempus erat neque, sit amet ultrices nisl pretium a. Suspendisse turpis odio, maximus vel felis ac, porta viverra arcu. Praesent pulvinar tortor id nisl ultrices sodales. Pellentesque tincidunt ipsum a ullamcorper pharetra. Nullam eget augue tellus.

01 / 04 / 2024
its about two months into my life turning into the worlds stinkiest shitstorm and im just now realizing i dont know when im gonna see my friends again. so what luck! theres a punk fest going on nearby specifically entitled "NEW FRIENDS FEST" !! exactly what i need!! new friends!! WJKHWJWKHWKJHWJK

this was the first punk/metal show my dad had ever been to, so i was a bit apprehensive about bringing him along- but it turned out to be fine!! it took place in a banquet hall, and id never been inside one before so this was sort of a first for me too! there were two halls and the bands would alternate between being in each of the halls, but they didnt overlap so there was no fear of missing a show!! i thought that was super cool :D

my dad is a lot more outgoing than i am, so he was out socializing and talking to people despite the fact that he is in NOOOOO way shape or form a part of the scene WKJWHKJWHWKJ there were merch booths and other sorts of seller tables and he was just chatting everyone up while i trailed along behind him like some sort of spectre or ghoul WKJWHKJWHWJ there was one booth selling cassette tapes and i had just recently gotten a cassette player so my dad suggested i buy a tape or two. i asked if they had any death metal and the guy hands me a tape and says its techno-death?? or something?? WJWHKWHWKJH i couldnt hear bc it was loud asf in there but yeah!! then i went to go look for my dad and he was two booths over buying me another tape and a tshirt WJKWHJKWHWK i also got a vinyl out of it!! so yeah!! shoutout to him for pushing me out of my comfort zone and also introducing me to new music!! &9829;

actual band review time!!! AMAZERBEAMS!! FANTASTIC!! SUBLIME!!! the first band we saw was Record Setter and they were fucking great!! me n my dad both agreed that out of all the bands we saw that day, they were Aenean vel porta dui. Suspendisse vitae suscipit nisl. Nullam fringilla libero et nunc pulvinar pharetra. Phasellus semper augue ac lectus aliquam, id venenatis dui tristique. Sed sollicitudin est orci, ut pellentesque purus tincidunt eget. Fusce sodales, mi non tincidunt malesuada, urna sapien auctor mauris, vel porttitor sapien odio quis dui. Sed est nisl, feugiat fermentum justo at, ultrices condimentum magna. Ut pellentesque tincidunt justo, non accumsan tellus ornare ac.

Proin rutrum sollicitudin diam a imperdiet. Vestibulum ultrices varius placerat. Aenean rhoncus pellentesque arcu, et egestas mi condimentum nec. Praesent eget augue auctor, malesuada lorem eget, pellentesque risus. Phasellus et mi at ligula convallis efficitur. Sed elementum feugiat tellus nec egestas. Suspendisse imperdiet rhoncus metus, sed tincidunt mi suscipit a. Proin sit amet pellentesque metus, at sodales elit. Praesent facilisis turpis a vestibulum pulvinar. Aenean vel orci eu orci sollicitudin gravida eget a turpis. Nam tempus erat neque, sit amet ultrices nisl pretium a. Suspendisse turpis odio, maximus vel felis ac, porta viverra arcu. Praesent pulvinar tortor id nisl ultrices sodales. Pellentesque tincidunt ipsum a ullamcorper pharetra. Nullam eget augue tellus.

01 / 21 / 2024
its about two months into my life turning into the worlds stinkiest shitstorm and im just now realizing i dont know when im gonna see my friends again. so what luck! theres a punk fest going on nearby specifically entitled "NEW FRIENDS FEST" !! exactly what i need!! new friends!! WJKHWJWKHWKJHWJK

this was the first punk/metal show my dad had ever been to, so i was a bit apprehensive about bringing him along- but it turned out to be fine!! it took place in a banquet hall, and id never been inside one before so this was sort of a first for me too! there were two halls and the bands would alternate between being in each of the halls, but they didnt overlap so there was no fear of missing a show!! i thought that was super cool :D

my dad is a lot more outgoing than i am, so he was out socializing and talking to people despite the fact that he is in NOOOOO way shape or form a part of the scene WKJWHKJWHWKJ there were merch booths and other sorts of seller tables and he was just chatting everyone up while i trailed along behind him like some sort of spectre or ghoul WKJWHKJWHWJ there was one booth selling cassette tapes and i had just recently gotten a cassette player so my dad suggested i buy a tape or two. i asked if they had any death metal and the guy hands me a tape and says its techno-death?? or something?? WJWHKWHWKJH i couldnt hear bc it was loud asf in there but yeah!! then i went to go look for my dad and he was two booths over buying me another tape and a tshirt WJKWHJKWHWK i also got a vinyl out of it!! so yeah!! shoutout to him for pushing me out of my comfort zone and also introducing me to new music!! &9829;

actual band review time!!! AMAZERBEAMS!! FANTASTIC!! SUBLIME!!! the first band we saw was Record Setter and they were fucking great!! me n my dad both agreed that out of all the bands we saw that day, they were Aenean vel porta dui. Suspendisse vitae suscipit nisl. Nullam fringilla libero et nunc pulvinar pharetra. Phasellus semper augue ac lectus aliquam, id venenatis dui tristique. Sed sollicitudin est orci, ut pellentesque purus tincidunt eget. Fusce sodales, mi non tincidunt malesuada, urna sapien auctor mauris, vel porttitor sapien odio quis dui. Sed est nisl, feugiat fermentum justo at, ultrices condimentum magna. Ut pellentesque tincidunt justo, non accumsan tellus ornare ac.

Proin rutrum sollicitudin diam a imperdiet. Vestibulum ultrices varius placerat. Aenean rhoncus pellentesque arcu, et egestas mi condimentum nec. Praesent eget augue auctor, malesuada lorem eget, pellentesque risus. Phasellus et mi at ligula convallis efficitur. Sed elementum feugiat tellus nec egestas. Suspendisse imperdiet rhoncus metus, sed tincidunt mi suscipit a. Proin sit amet pellentesque metus, at sodales elit. Praesent facilisis turpis a vestibulum pulvinar. Aenean vel orci eu orci sollicitudin gravida eget a turpis. Nam tempus erat neque, sit amet ultrices nisl pretium a. Suspendisse turpis odio, maximus vel felis ac, porta viverra arcu. Praesent pulvinar tortor id nisl ultrices sodales. Pellentesque tincidunt ipsum a ullamcorper pharetra. Nullam eget augue tellus.

02 / 03 / 2024
its about two months into my life turning into the worlds stinkiest shitstorm and im just now realizing i dont know when im gonna see my friends again. so what luck! theres a punk fest going on nearby specifically entitled "NEW FRIENDS FEST" !! exactly what i need!! new friends!! WJKHWJWKHWKJHWJK

this was the first punk/metal show my dad had ever been to, so i was a bit apprehensive about bringing him along- but it turned out to be fine!! it took place in a banquet hall, and id never been inside one before so this was sort of a first for me too! there were two halls and the bands would alternate between being in each of the halls, but they didnt overlap so there was no fear of missing a show!! i thought that was super cool :D

my dad is a lot more outgoing than i am, so he was out socializing and talking to people despite the fact that he is in NOOOOO way shape or form a part of the scene WKJWHKJWHWKJ there were merch booths and other sorts of seller tables and he was just chatting everyone up while i trailed along behind him like some sort of spectre or ghoul WKJWHKJWHWJ there was one booth selling cassette tapes and i had just recently gotten a cassette player so my dad suggested i buy a tape or two. i asked if they had any death metal and the guy hands me a tape and says its techno-death?? or something?? WJWHKWHWKJH i couldnt hear bc it was loud asf in there but yeah!! then i went to go look for my dad and he was two booths over buying me another tape and a tshirt WJKWHJKWHWK i also got a vinyl out of it!! so yeah!! shoutout to him for pushing me out of my comfort zone and also introducing me to new music!! &9829;

actual band review time!!! AMAZERBEAMS!! FANTASTIC!! SUBLIME!!! the first band we saw was Record Setter and they were fucking great!! me n my dad both agreed that out of all the bands we saw that day, they were Aenean vel porta dui. Suspendisse vitae suscipit nisl. Nullam fringilla libero et nunc pulvinar pharetra. Phasellus semper augue ac lectus aliquam, id venenatis dui tristique. Sed sollicitudin est orci, ut pellentesque purus tincidunt eget. Fusce sodales, mi non tincidunt malesuada, urna sapien auctor mauris, vel porttitor sapien odio quis dui. Sed est nisl, feugiat fermentum justo at, ultrices condimentum magna. Ut pellentesque tincidunt justo, non accumsan tellus ornare ac.

Proin rutrum sollicitudin diam a imperdiet. Vestibulum ultrices varius placerat. Aenean rhoncus pellentesque arcu, et egestas mi condimentum nec. Praesent eget augue auctor, malesuada lorem eget, pellentesque risus. Phasellus et mi at ligula convallis efficitur. Sed elementum feugiat tellus nec egestas. Suspendisse imperdiet rhoncus metus, sed tincidunt mi suscipit a. Proin sit amet pellentesque metus, at sodales elit. Praesent facilisis turpis a vestibulum pulvinar. Aenean vel orci eu orci sollicitudin gravida eget a turpis. Nam tempus erat neque, sit amet ultrices nisl pretium a. Suspendisse turpis odio, maximus vel felis ac, porta viverra arcu. Praesent pulvinar tortor id nisl ultrices sodales. Pellentesque tincidunt ipsum a ullamcorper pharetra. Nullam eget augue tellus.

027 : PT 2 !!
02 / 11 / 2024
its about two months into my life turning into the worlds stinkiest shitstorm and im just now realizing i dont know when im gonna see my friends again. so what luck! theres a punk fest going on nearby specifically entitled "NEW FRIENDS FEST" !! exactly what i need!! new friends!! WJKHWJWKHWKJHWJK

this was the first punk/metal show my dad had ever been to, so i was a bit apprehensive about bringing him along- but it turned out to be fine!! it took place in a banquet hall, and id never been inside one before so this was sort of a first for me too! there were two halls and the bands would alternate between being in each of the halls, but they didnt overlap so there was no fear of missing a show!! i thought that was super cool :D

my dad is a lot more outgoing than i am, so he was out socializing and talking to people despite the fact that he is in NOOOOO way shape or form a part of the scene WKJWHKJWHWKJ there were merch booths and other sorts of seller tables and he was just chatting everyone up while i trailed along behind him like some sort of spectre or ghoul WKJWHKJWHWJ there was one booth selling cassette tapes and i had just recently gotten a cassette player so my dad suggested i buy a tape or two. i asked if they had any death metal and the guy hands me a tape and says its techno-death?? or something?? WJWHKWHWKJH i couldnt hear bc it was loud asf in there but yeah!! then i went to go look for my dad and he was two booths over buying me another tape and a tshirt WJKWHJKWHWK i also got a vinyl out of it!! so yeah!! shoutout to him for pushing me out of my comfort zone and also introducing me to new music!! &9829;

actual band review time!!! AMAZERBEAMS!! FANTASTIC!! SUBLIME!!! the first band we saw was Record Setter and they were fucking great!! me n my dad both agreed that out of all the bands we saw that day, they were Aenean vel porta dui. Suspendisse vitae suscipit nisl. Nullam fringilla libero et nunc pulvinar pharetra. Phasellus semper augue ac lectus aliquam, id venenatis dui tristique. Sed sollicitudin est orci, ut pellentesque purus tincidunt eget. Fusce sodales, mi non tincidunt malesuada, urna sapien auctor mauris, vel porttitor sapien odio quis dui. Sed est nisl, feugiat fermentum justo at, ultrices condimentum magna. Ut pellentesque tincidunt justo, non accumsan tellus ornare ac.

Proin rutrum sollicitudin diam a imperdiet. Vestibulum ultrices varius placerat. Aenean rhoncus pellentesque arcu, et egestas mi condimentum nec. Praesent eget augue auctor, malesuada lorem eget, pellentesque risus. Phasellus et mi at ligula convallis efficitur. Sed elementum feugiat tellus nec egestas. Suspendisse imperdiet rhoncus metus, sed tincidunt mi suscipit a. Proin sit amet pellentesque metus, at sodales elit. Praesent facilisis turpis a vestibulum pulvinar. Aenean vel orci eu orci sollicitudin gravida eget a turpis. Nam tempus erat neque, sit amet ultrices nisl pretium a. Suspendisse turpis odio, maximus vel felis ac, porta viverra arcu. Praesent pulvinar tortor id nisl ultrices sodales. Pellentesque tincidunt ipsum a ullamcorper pharetra. Nullam eget augue tellus.